lumpectomy - meaning and definition. What is lumpectomy
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What (who) is lumpectomy - definition

¦ noun (plural lumpectomies) a surgical operation in which a lump, typically a tumour, is removed from the breast.
A lumpectomy is an operation in which a woman has a lump such as a tumour removed from one of her breasts, rather than having the whole breast removed.
Pronunciation examples for lumpectomy
1. prostate lumpectomy --
2. So we're going to do a lumpectomy, which
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3. had her lumpectomy in the town in which I lived.
4. Should it be a mastectomy? Should it be a lumpectomy?
Examples of use of lumpectomy
1. She had a lumpectomy, which was reported to be successful, then had two further operations.
2. She had chemotherapy, followed by a lumpectomy, followed by radiation.
3. Treatment options include removing a whole breast (mastectomy) or just the tumour (lumpectomy). Diagnosed early, it is potentially curable.
4. A week after the diagnosis, I was back at the hospital having a lumpectomy.
5. Runowicz: Know your tumor It‘s very likely a breast cancer patient will be called upon to make choices: lumpectomy vs. mastectomy, or choices between different types of chemotherapy.